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Here are the details on what to wear at camp:
During ceremonies , campers must wear t Uniform: T-shirt and shorts, white tennis shoes and socks. Campers should have a minimum of two sets of Uniforms.
At all other times during the session, campers may wear any shorts that are red, white, blue, or green, with any shirt that is sold in our Trading Post: either the Heart logo T or any other Trading Post shirt. We do sell shorts that are red, white, blue or green.
On Sunday: campers wear “whites”: white shorts, white T-shirt or blouse (does not have to be purchased from Trading Post), white tennis shoes and white socks.
Camp Packing List
* 4 pair Uniform (shorts and shirts) (2-3 for Short or Split Term)
- * 3 pair "Sunday whites" (2 in Short or Split Term)
- * 6 - 8 additional shorts and Heart shirts
- 2 - 4 pair long pants or jeans for riding
- 1 nice dress or slacks (outings, dance)
- * 8 pair socks
- 10 pair underwear
- * 2 nightshirts or pajamas (one in Short Term)
- * 1-2 sweatshirts or light jacket
- 2 swim suits
- 1 pair shoes or sandals (outings)
- 1 pair boots for riding
- 1 pair rubber waterfront shoes
- 1 pair “Sunday white” tennis shoes
- 1 pair every-day tennis shoes
- 5 - 8 bath towels & wash cloths for daily use when bathing
- 1 - 2 beach towels for swimming and taking to waterfront
- 1 hard hat for riding
- 1 pillow
- * 2 pillow cases (one in Short Term)
- 2 sets of twin sheets (one set in Short Term)
- 1 sleeping bag
- *1 blanket or comforter
- * 2 laundry bags (one in Short Term)
- 1 trunk to put everything in!
- * Water bottle
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